Welcome to the Aplication Portal Atlantis University

Signin o Register usando el botón en la esquina superior derecha para iniciar su solicitud

Congratulations, you are about to change your present for one bright future!

To begin the application process, you will need to log in with your user account on the application portal. This will allow our team and system to better assist you with all requirements and secure authentication.
If you start your application and can't finish it, you can always complete it later with your user account. Our system will save the process. Click Sign In if you already have an account, or click Sign Up to create your new account. You can also quickly sign in with a Gmail account.

Prepare to submit some of the required documents such as:

  • Resume
  • Previous diplomas and school grades
  • Official government photo ID
  • Letter of interest (Optional)

For more information or problems contact us:

Phone: (305) 377-8817

Email: admissions@atlantisuniversity.edu

To troubleshoot login issues, please email us at: itsupport@atlantisuniversity.edu